Mein liebster Feind - Klaus Kinski

They were Machiguengas, these
two here, and a lot of Campas, too.

Normally, they speak very softly
and physical contacts are gentle.

They were afraid. They would sit
huddled together, whispering.

Towards the end of shooting one
of the chiefs came to me and said:

"You probably realized that we were
afraid, but not for one moment...

...were we scared of that screaming
madman, shouting his head off."

They were actually afraid of me,
because I was so quiet.

Kinski's fits can partly be explained
by his egocentric character.

Egocentric is perhaps not the right
word; he was an outright egomaniac.

Whenever there was a serious
accident, it became a big problem...

...because, all of a sudden, he was
no longer the center of attention.

He was no longer important.
Once, a lumberman was bitten
by a snake while cutting a tree.

This only happened once in 3 years,
with hundreds of woodcutters...

:54:38 the jungle who always worked
barefoot with their chain saws.

The snakes naturally flee from the
smell of gasoline and the noise.

Suddenly this chuchupe
struck the man twice.

This was the most
dangerous snake of all.

It only takes a few minutes
before cardiac arrest occurs.
