Hey, Jase! How are you?
Hi, Lina.
No, sorry.
I just was expecting him to caII.
No, I'm not worried. I just miss him.
I know.
No, I just got it. Why?
I can't beIieve he did this.
I can't beIieve it!
-Why are you so annoyed?
-It's wrong to print it.
It's private.
It's somebody's intimate thoughts.
It's not your Ietter!
I know it's not my Ietter.
I found it.
Is this personaI?
Is that why you're pissed off?
I'm not pissed off! I'm just. . .
. . .a IittIe pissed off.
You had your chance
at the Christmas party.
Morning, doII.
Look at this.
Letters to the paper about
the message in the bottIe.
And two more boxes.
Take those to research.
I found him in the maiIroom.
Nice ass.
CharIie wants us to drop everything.
And do what?
Answer aII of them?
Go through them and
count the pros and cons.
Get rid of the nutso Ietters.
Then we'II do excerpts. The paper
wants us to miIk it. This is big.
Bigger than
the Iow-fat muffin scandaI.
Bigger than
the mayor and the teacher.