Message in a Bottle

You be her.
I'II be you.
Here's your jacket.
Jackets Iike that. . .
. . .don't come aIong
every week, you know.

One second.
You forgot this.
Thank you.
I stayed in.
I didn't even notice.

You want to come in?
Nice pIace.
It's Victorian, 1 91 1 .
Made into an inn in 1 944.
But. . .
. . .you probabIy knew aII that stuff.
I've never been in here.
Oh, weII.
Why wouId you be in here?
You're from here.

This is your hometown.
I had a reaIIy good time today.
The boat did weII.
We didn't have to baiI or anything.
Thanks for bringing the jacket.
You're weIcome.
I just said thank you
about eight times. . .

. . .because I have no idea
what to say.

I wonder why you're here, because
you don't know what to say either.

I'm wondering that too.
You eat meat?
