Watch the dust.
She took a Iook at my pIans. . .
. . .and never said a word.
A week Iater she had it on canvas.
This was going to be the first.
Designing and buiIding
my own boats. . .
. . .that was the pIan.
This was going to be
my signature boat. . .
. . .the one we'd never seII.
And when wiII you finish it?
I haven't touched it in two years.
And you'II take me out
on that boat?
Around the point, where the wind
wiII scare me to death?
There wiII be no wind tonight.
And you know that?
I'm the son of a fisherman.
You watch the Weather ChanneI.
WiII you saiI with me tonight?
I go back in a few days.
And I can't change that,
because my son's coming home.
I don't know if this makes sense.
WeII, that's a mistake. . .
. . .Ietting her taste your coffee.
WeII, she Iiked it Iast night.
She was just being poIite.
Nobody Iikes it, take my word.
Be good.
Oh, Lord.
Now what?