We have arrived, my brothers.
It is time to separate.
From now on, each of us will
go alone to preach to the world.
- Father, which way should we go?
- We'll follow God's will.
How do we know what's his will?
Spin on the spot where your feet
are planted, like kids do while playing.
Don't stop until you are dizzy.
- You are not dizzy, yet?
- No.
- Not yet?
- No.
- Are you feeling okay?
- Now I feel dizzy.
Come, Giovanni. Come here.
I feel so dizzy.
Brother, which direction
were you facing when you fell?
Facing Siena, just like me.
- And you, Bernardo?
- Facing Florence.
- And you, Ginepro?
- Facing Arezzo.
- And you, Elia?
- Facing Pisa.
- And you, Ruffino?
- Facing Spoleto.