Lend me 10,000 lire.
- I can't. The countess would fire me.
- She won't know. I won't say anything.
You'll never give it back to me.
Think, Giovanni. I'll give you
back 30,000 lire. Maybe even 50,000!
I know how to gamble.
He's still here, Countess.
I am going out, dear.
I need some air.
The silver saltshaker.
Even today? Every single day?
Yes, whenever it feel like it.
Who's the boss here?
Yesterday the countess felt sick.
Wait, listen to me.
They are waiting for you.
I was having fun.
- Do it for Daddy. Do it for your Daddy.
- But every single day?!
What are we betting?
I suggest...
Look how beautiful.
What do you think?