She doesn't say she likes this place,
but she comes anyway.
This is how I am.
We spent three months together
in the same apartment another time...
in Innsbruck.
I use to spend all day
entertaining girls
that came looking for me.
A man even came looking for you.
I have never seen him before.
He said it was urgent.
You have to go and
meet him at camp 149.
Ring three times.
When did he come? Who was he?
I'll be back later.
Give me that umbrella.
The count is here.
What should I tell him?
Whatever you want. I don't care.
I don't care about anything, understand?
You can even betray me.
Tell him!
We must learn
to forget about ourselves.
I am not afraid of sounding pompous.
Italy is at war.
Our war. Our revolution.
- They saw someone on the balcony.
- Yes, it was me.