
We'll have to start that war.
The Duce is a great leader.
He is an example to be followed.
That aristocratic profile of his.
Pride stamped on his forehead.
His jaw ready to devour everyone!
But he is a complete idiot!
Knows nothing about art and
yawns before masterpieces.

What 's more, he ordered forests
to be planted all over Italy.

The consequences?
First of all, the climate changes.
Dampness and raining.
Warm winds won't reach Germany.
We'll se another Byelorussia
right below our nose.

Rain will pour over the Reich.
Our nation will become lazy,
apathetic and slothful.

Like those nations
with warm weather.

Those fat pigs, full of lard...
with their swinish eyes,
red from gin and beer.

Total darkness.
Bubbles in ponds, long nights,
grey, damp days.

Bugs everywhere.
Once, I told Stalin:
"Don't build the Soviet Palace.
The biggest building
shall be in Berlin."

But no.
He didn't obey me.
And he started building it.
Very well.
If he wants war,
he will have war.
