Doc, you're early. What happened?
- My patient had to leave early.
- Who?
Does "nosy" have any meaning to you, Lily?
I think it's like... inquisitive?
- It was Henry Follett.
- You see him a lot.
It's wrong of you to reveal it.
Next you'll reveal his problem.
- What do you wanna know?
- I'm never telling you anything.
- Hey, Doc. How's it going?
- Fine, Elizabeth. You?
Mumford, how long
have you been in this town?
- I don't know.
- Four months, two and a half weeks.
You've got more patients
than the other two shrinks.
- I don't think even you could know that.
- Look at that guy.
You know who that is, don't you?
You really don't?
That's Skip Skipperton, man.
- He gets hit by a truck, the town shuts.
- So that's him, the Panda man?
What makes you so popular?
What's your secret?
You like me. How come?
I'm not sure. Let me think about it.
I'm watching Brokaw, and they've got
some astronomer, this limey know-it-all.
He says with this Himball telescope they've
discovered 400 million more galaxies.
I guess that's supposed
to make me feel small?
I'm supposed to feel insignificant?
Is that the point?
'Cause I'll tell ya, it didn't!
Lionel, since this is our first session,
you can sit up and look at me if you like.
Tell me about what brought you here.
Kind of impatient
for a big-time headshrinker.
How about you let me explain it my way,
OK? Thanks.
So, in my dream, it's always the same.
I wake up in my room when I was a kid
and I realize
it's the day of the big exam at school.
Which is no problem for me because I'd
attended every class, so I'm totally prepared.