Yeah. Most people have that.
It's confusing here.
- Where?
- Life.
Did I mention the headaches?
- Did you get headaches before?
- Yeah.
More now? Or more severe?
They're about the same.
My marriage was one long headache!
The headaches may not
even be a part of this.
- I can give myself a headache instantly.
- Is that like a party trick?
All I need is
two conflicting thoughts at the same time.
Like I'll think,
"Taking these walks will help Sofie. "
Then I think, "Mumford, you just enjoy it.
You're kidding yourself about the benefits".
There. I've given myself a real whopper.
You actually address yourself by name
in your thoughts?
You think two opposing ideas
in your head causes damage?
Sometimes, yeah. Pulling in two different
directions makes tiny tears in our fabric.
Then my life has been
some kind of huge rip.
- Hey, Skip.
- Hey, Doc.
We're not supposed
to get together until Thursday...
That's all right. What's on your mind?
How many sessions have we had now, Doc?
Six. And it's been good.
Like we're two buddies,
hanging out, shooting the shit.
This is really hard.
Everything I wanna say is hard.
We're like friends, almost,
who trust each other.
I wanna tell you something,
but I need to ask you a question.