
Lots of jobs that started with a P.
For some reason, I kept losing these jobs.

Eventually, doing all these jobs,
I noticed something.

For some reason,
probably because I was too stoned to talk,

everywhere I went, people would talk to me.
My brother started molesting me.
They'd tell me everything.
My real dad? Who have I been living with?
Their problems, their innermost thoughts.
Sometimes they'd pretend they needed
advice, but most wanted someone to listen.

Told you she left me?
She'd just eat away at me.

Anyway, one day I was spraying
for termites, when I had a vision.

It was time to use my degree
and get a job with a desk.

I took the civil service exam
and found myself working at the IRS,

district 14, Central Administrative Office.
I started as a clerk,
but I took advancement tests.

There was more money to be made.
It appealed to me because,
though I was sure I could stop any time,

I had developed an addiction to cocaine -
the best hobby I ever had.

That is allowed!
But I didn't wanna be a revenue officer
where you were getting abused all day.

And being one of the collection cowboys
had no appeal.

But there was one job
that looked like it might be fun: Investigator.

Your last job
before becoming a psychologist

was an investigator
for the Internal Revenue Service?

- Everybody has a story.
- Seems like you got the variety pack.

What it felt like was a series
of separate, unconnected lives.

Every time I left a life, it felt good.
Whatever problems I had were gone.

I had no friends, didn't talk to my family.
The only constant force in my life was drugs.
