- Is that when you split up?
- No.
A good story, but it was just the beginning.
We went on for a year.
- Whose route is this?
- Brady Peck's. 14 years old. Lives next door.
- And he's where?
- Down state at Jamboree, five days. Why?
A gal could make a living doing this.
How hard could it be
squeezing out some 14-year-old?
- You like it?
- It's all right.
Then expect me tomorrow morning at 5.30.
- This is legitimate therapy?
- Hell, no. I just don't wanna do it alone.
There's no way this behavior
can be seen as anything
but completely inappropriate
and unprofessional.
I don't wanna tell you
how to run your businesses...
- Practices.
- Whatever.
Six months ago,
you were the only shrinks in town.
I'm a psychiatrist. Dr. Sheeler
is a psychologist, like Dr. Mumford.
That's fascinating.
My point is, the value of your practices
could be seriously undermined by this bozo.
There are only so many head cases.
- What would you have us do, Lionel?
- Protect your turf.
Check this guy out. I smell a rat.
Mr. Dillard, I'm sure Dr. Delbanco
shares my gratitude for your concern,
but you misunderstand
our calling to mental health.
We're not in some widget business
trying to crush our competition.
What the hell is a widget?
Why do I waste my time?
What an asshole!
Ernest, what do you think?
I think he's got a point.