Come on, gentlemen, keep up with me.
I want an exclusive...
with that policeman who was
in the Santa Barbara shootout.
-I'll take it.
-Glad you could make it, O'Hara.
Prescott, it's yours.
Take Harrison and camera car five.
I want it for the 6:00.
It's no good at 10:00. You got that?
-It's no good at 10:00.
-What are you, a parrot? Get movin'.
I want footage of that 1st Monument Bank
that got knocked off down in Oxnard.
-I'm all over it.
-Van Gundy?
-And get that security camera's
videotape, you got that?
-Yeah, mm-hmm.
-No tape, no story.
You got it, boss.
Whatever you say, boss.
I like Van Gundy.
I need something on that
shuttle launch tonight at Vandenberg.
-Well, that's me.
I know Vandenberg, chief.
Who are you, Clark Kent?
FFelix, it's yours.
Get interviews
with all the top brass involved.
Oh, take Brace with you. It's a good
story for her to cut her teeth on.
Brace? Are you sure? Because I usually
produce Brace's on-camera segments.
We're a team. I mean, we're more
than a team. Brace and I are-
You and my daughter are what?
-Um, nothing.
-That's right.
I didn't send Brace to all those
fancy English boarding schools...
to wind up with the likes of you.
Oh, O'Hara, I've got something here
that's right up your alley.
A senior citizens' tanning contest
being held tomorrow at Sunset Pier.
The Hawaiian Tropic Senior
Cocoa Butter Classic.
I want footage
of all the old farts baking,
an interview with the doctor on
the dangers of sunbathing, yadda, yadda.
Something to fill time
if my idiot weatherman runs short.
Mr. Channing? Mr. Channing?
Excuse me. Sir?
You hired me because I had ten years'
experience as a newspaper reporter.
Now, I will go to the ends of the Earth
to bring you a great story.
But I need the chance.
You know, Tim, when I look at you,
I see myself at your age.