-And I was a moron!
-But you got a lot of nerve,
O'Hara, and I like that.
Okay, it's yours.
-B-B-B-But you said-
-Shut up, Felix.
You won't- You won't regret this, sir.
You really won't.
O'Hara! You screw up this Vandenberg
thing, you're fired. Is that clear?
Attention, all personnel.
We are T minus five minutes
and counting.
We're here at the Vandenberg Air Force
Base, where for the first time,
-Cut. Brace?
-the shuttle Atlantis
will be launched...
-Sweetie, could we lose the gum?
Excuse me, Sergeant.
-I love show business.
Yeah, okay. Everybody back
to one, please. Here we go.
Same thing.
In five, four, three, two-
We're here at Vandenberg Air Force Base.
-We're here
at Vandenberg Air Force Base,
-Where just minutes from now,
where just minutes from now,
the shuttle Atlantis will be
launching for the first time...
-on the west coast.
-I understand that Project Deadhead...
I understand that Project Deadhead
is carrying a sophisticated satellite...
-to study the Fiona comet.
-to study the Fiona comet.
Yes, the satellite has
a specialized guidance system...
which will allow it to pass
closer to the comet than ever before.
Yeah, yeah.
Is Jerry Garcia on board?
Is Jerry Garcia on board?
Is Jerry Garcia on board?
-Well, yes, actually.
Project Deadhead
gets its name from the fact...
that its payload includes
the ashes of famous rocker...
Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead.
How in the world
did you know that?
-It's my job to know that.
-It's my job to know these things.
-Okay, Lizzie, go to Brace.