My Favorite Martian

All right, Brace, here we go.
The big wrap-up.

-And so, on this the night
of the Fiona Comet,
-And so, on this,

the night of the Fiona Comet,
our thoughts turn...

to that satellite's only passenger-
Jerry Garcia.

-I'm Brace Channing-
-I'm Brace Channing for KGSC.

-Thank you, Captain Dalton.
-Thank you.

-God, you're beautiful.
-God, you're beautiful.

-Thank you. So are you.
And we're out.
-Tim, I'd like a word with you.
-And I'm dead.


-You might want to take
a look at this, sir.
-The Fiona Comet?

-So what?
-It's changing direction, sir.

That's impossible. Are you sure it's not
the trajectory of our own satellite?

Yes, sir. Uh, the comet's
just changed direction again, sir.

-It's gotta be the equipment.
-I've got down line confirmation.

No, sir. Our backup computers
verify all systems go.

It's- It's coming down, sir.
-The satellite?
-No, sir. The comet.

Okay, let's go to general alert.
-Major, scramble the F-16s.
-Yes, sir!

-Sergeant, get SETI group on the line.
-Copy that.

Showtime, boys.
We got ourselves a U.F.O.

Excuse me.
-What's this?
-It's Capt. Dalton's telephone number.

Well, he's not really my type, but-
-You made me look such an idiot.
-Brace, come on.

-Let me explain.
-Just wait until I tell my daddy.

-No, Br- Brace, come on!

-Wait a minute! Look, I-
-Nice knowin' ya.

Let us know where you end up.

-It wasn't a complete disaster.
Oh, compared to what?
-The Hindenburg?
I'm sorry, pal.

Thanks. Thanks a lot.
The blues kept knockin'
upon my door
