My Son the Fanatic

Chief Inspector, please
inform me absolutely in confidence.

Farid is top police material,
isn't he?

Isn't he training
to be an accountant?

Law and order
might be more reliable.

Crime is everywhere out of control,
wouldn't you confirm?

My boy says the same.
Get camera. Now is moment.
Please, sir, would
a pose be all right?

For private use exclusively.
Bring champagne too.
Please come.

Hey, Farid!
- Oop.
- [Chuckles]

Ready? Smile.
### In this green and pleasant land ###

### We have a treat you understand ###
### In the mountains of the mind ###
### There is a spirit you will find ###
### Just like an angel from above ###
### We turn to the little
words of love ###

### Ancient cross and Zion star ###
### Eastern wings and praise toJah ###
### This is our land ###
### This is your land ###
### This is our inheritance ### ###
[Woman On P.A.]
Your attention, please.

Passengers are warned
that for security reasons...

baggage may not be left
unattended at any time.
