Baggage left unattended
will be removed immediately...
and may be destroyed.
You see that chimney, sir?
Is so tall it can be seen
from Inkley Moor.
The man who built the mill...
toasted his future on top
of that chimney with champagne.
Actually, he built it so tall...
so that the smoke will fly over
the house of one of his rivals.
This town was the center of
worlïs textile industry.
Even Ayatollah Khomeini wore a robe
made in this city in a mill over there.
Actually, you won't see it, because
it was demolished some years ago.
Local people and
religious types don't like.
Condom and all, you know,
hanging from the rose bushes.
Good, good.
Final decoration is done.
Here we'll be having
my son's getting-engaged party.
He's marrying Madelaine... Madelaine
Fingerhut... the top policeman's daughter.
He impressed her no end.
This restaurant, sir,
belongs to my friend Fizzy.
There, that fattish one.
[Chuckles] We came together
to this country.
He had five pounds
which he borrowed from me.
Look, now, and look at me.
Your name too small
on front here.