Is... [Panting]
Is magnificent!
There were places back home
I used to go.
With a girl, actually.
Uh... Hey?
- Hey.
- [Laughs]
- [Screams, Laughs]
- Careful.
Oh! Oof!
Oh! There are
icicles going inside! Ah!
Those trousers
will have to come off.
- Hmph.
- [Laughs]
- [Dirt Falling On Paper]
- We can't afford new shoes.
You're not a coolie
to carry baggage through mud.
There are many abnormal occurrences
in the taxi business.
Usually not
involving a wet bottom.
Hamid had to transport a tortoise
in a box to Newcastle.
I saw a strange building...
which reminded me of the ruin
near your grandfather's house in Multan.
Take me there, "Papu."
Minny, how has Fizzy
done so well?
He was always greedy for things.