I wanted to be a teacher.
But me children were too young.
Then me man died. I had debts.
I had a friend who was doing this.
If you had the choice,
what would you do?
Is been so long since
I've thought about anything.
What is date for engagement booking?
At the moment, Fizzy brother,
I am completely engaged
and fully booked elsewhere.
"- Parvez," yaar.
- Whole question of
"engagement is off," yaar,
for the time being,
at the moment, for now.
I am stuffed up far into the rear end.
The boy doesn't like the girl,
and the girl is fighting with...
Boy? You are giving
Fingerhut the finger?
But we were expecting
community policing at last.
Whas happened to your eyebrows?
I'm sorry. I can't stay.
All this is new?
Big Shis paying.
[Zipping Sound]
You're seeing him often.
Saves me from seeing anyone else.
You don't talk to him?
Thas not what he wants, no.
And those bruises?
That him, too?
Look, I think I look excellent.
If you don't like it, you can go.
Well, go on!
You like me today, don't you?