That photographer said I have
one of those expressive faces.
- A face that tells a story.
- Too bad it's a tragedy.
- A comedy.
- A horror story.
Come on, guys.
Let's start gettin' our heads into it.
Like Connor says,
that Weeks kid, he's got jump.
I'm tellin' you, Tree,
there's rumors.
One of us is going down.
Let's go! Let's move!
Let's go!
Good game!
Good game!
Stretch 'em out.
- Let's do it, Sheriff.
- Sticks!
- Line 'em up, Michael!
- Don't give me Tree. I wanna win this week.
- I win no matter what side, huh?
- Win this, Tree.
- Maybe it's you and me, huh?
- Winetka.
- Paul.
- Brown's the winner.
- Dad!
- Thanks, Mikey.