Donna's inside, Johnny.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I'm fine, Donna.
We talked about this.
We knew one day eventually...
I'm fine.
Don't tell me you're fine.
I better check on Mike.
- You could've told me.
- I can't give you that kind of information.
We're sleeping together,
for God's sakes.
Skank, we're committing adultery. It's
not like I threw in trust as a perk.
- Hi.
- Look, you, uh... you may have heard.
- We just did it.
- I heard.
And so did I,
and it's a big mistake.
John Biebe is the anchor,
for God's sakes!
Stevie! Stevie! Stevie! Stevie!
Guys, it ain't my birthday.
It's better.
You're in the Saturday game!