Ow! Jesus!
What, did you put your finger in it?
- Try and hold still.
- Could you jam the oxygen tank...
a little further up my ass, please?
Have you done this before?
- Who is he?
- A rep from Price World.
Good. Twist it! Yeah, that helps.
Think about trimming
those nails too, Tarzan.
- Just try to hold it there.
- Are you trying to hurt me?
- You okay?
- No, I'm not okay!
Do I look like I'm okay?
The fucker shot me!
What the fuck-ass fuck of a bum-fuck,
shithole town is this?
I make a business call.
I give him my card.
And the hick-ass fucker shoots
my foot off! Cock-fucking shit!
- John, it was an accident.
- You read him his rights?
- You have the right to remain silent.
- Oh, come on, John!
- I didn't mean to shoot him.
- Call Bailey Pruitt. Talk to him.
Don't be saying
anything to me.
Johnny, I heard.
- I'm sorry.
- Connor, you just shot a guy.
- Take him.
- Read him his rights.
Cock-fucking suck-ass fucker!
Have fun in jail, asshole!
They, uh,
got into a beef.
- Connor pulled a pistol.
Happened over in feed.
Says he was aiming at a sack
of Puppy Chow, trying to scare him.
He hit a wheelbarrow.
It ricocheted.
- Ow! Ow, ow!
- Johnny?
- Yeah?
- There's a helicopter hovering over town hall. Looks Russian.
I'm slow in the feet?