Mystery, Alaska

The New York Rangers
are professionals.

Two things we've always had
in Mystery:

Our dignity
and our illusions.

I suggest we cling to both.
Where's the dignity
in not trying?

I'll play those Rangers.
- I'm in.
- I'll play.

I'll beat 'em.
As mayor of Mystery, Alaska,
I'm gonna extend a little invitation
to the New York Rangers!

Hey, Johnny!
- This can't wait till tomorrow?
- No, no, we gotta be on the ice at sunup.

If this game happens,
it's only 32 days away.

We gotta get goin'.
- I bet you're back on the team now, right?
- Maybe.

Well, they're not gonna play the Rangers
with just ten guys.

Here he comes.
- John. Hey, Donna.
- Hey, Scott.

- Witch-tit cold, huh?
- Yeah.

Look, John,
these are the developments.

Things have changed.
We want you to coach.
