Nadie conoce a nadie

named Jesus Christ.
And in some areas,
like the South of Spain,

it's become
a lamentable spectacle.

There's your first word.
-They'll fire me at the paper.
-Good. You can start writing for real.

A lamentable spectacle

Underlining bad taste
and vulgarity,
marked by the absurd.
Absurd doesn't fit.
On this holiday, the Andalucian
wears his best.

The navy blue suit,
that fine linen shirt
made from mantilla,
and of course,
the ornamental ''peineta''.
-''Peineta'', backwards.
-Not to mention the thousands

of repressed who pay
to dress up like KKK members,
generally known as ''the hoods''.
-Does ''hoods'' fit?
-ln singular form.

Let's see, what else...
The whole thing is
definitively apish,

and virtually inescapable.
To make matters worse,
every year the same processions,
same times, same places...

which makes the Holy Week
an intolerable bore.
And if that doesn't
turn you on,

you can even go to a bullfight.
Although we recommend
taking a little trip...
-Shit! Tahiti.

A place to flee from Sevillian

-How's that?
-Too many blanks.

You can fix it up later.
Some illiterate will do it

-Thanks for the help.
-You're welcome.

Your turn to wash up.
l'm going to give
a master class.

See you later at Ariadna's?
l might drop by.
