Nice imagination.
lt's a possibility. Look,
lf whoever left the message
is from Seville,
-you can relax.
Because they're ridiculous.
lt's a trick.
The city map here has
the North on the left.
l'm making chocolate milk.
Want some?
Where were you yesterday?
-Around. Wasting time.
-Who with?
A girl l met in the Mudéjar.
You met her yesterday?
-Then she stole
your keys.
-She couldn't have come here.
-Maybe she gave them to someone.
lf they were so smart,
they'd have returned them.
l can find her if you want.
Did you screw her?
She was cute,
but l was tired...
You spent the night
-talking to her?
-l was too tired to come home.
Listen, to tell the truth,
-l don't think she's involved.
Because the bitch was dumber
than a shoe.
The last Holy Week of the
milennium is about to begin.
Channel South will offer
a live broadcast
of the processions.
An avalanche of people
have arrived
from everywhere to attend
this massive event.
The Tourist Office announced
all the hotels in the city
are booked.
Nevertheless, apartments
are available
in private homes.
On the principal avenues