How are you?
l'll be fine in
a little while.
l'm going to see
Father Andrés.
lf Toad's involved,
there may be more attacks.
l thought Andrés could warn
the other parishes.
Not a bad idea.
-How did you meet Toad?
-An ad in the paper for a flatmate.
Shit, l don't know what l did
-to get to this point.
-What could you do? You didn't know.
Exactly. l didn't know.
There must have been a sign
that my flatmate was
Jack the Ripper.
-l didn't see it.
-We're still not sure.
Yeah, but it's possible,
because l never really cared
if Toad was happy or sad.
Or if he was lonely.
His presence was enough.
l often have the feeling
that l'm passing through my life
without knowing it.
As if it were someone else.
As if it were all temporary.
My home, my job...
even my feelings.
Temporary? Until when?
Until l reach my promising
As a writer.
Which will never happen.
l have nothing to write.
l just remembered,
l have something of yours.
lt's a book of short stories
with various authors.
Yeah, like the ones in hotels
that put people to sleep.
-My greatest success.
-Help me find it.