You can do it, champ!
Try it again, but easy.
Well done, that's it!
They say that every story
needs the words of its own.
For my story, I couldn't find
them for a long time.
It began when words
had dried up.
Well done! You're genius!
Last seconds of the game;
Come on, let's do it now!
Atta, boy!
Kajevic Jr. will do the
hook. Will he make it?
Is the gold in our hands again?
Kajevic, and he scores!
Kaja, the champion!
Kaja, the champion!
The motherfuckers were
close last night.
I was blown off the ground!
Enough for today!
-What do you mean, enough?
I'm in a hurry, man! I paid you
300 marks up front!
What's the rush, when
they're bombing us?
I'm in a rush all the time.
I'm a businessman!
They say you're doing better
than in the last war.
Which one? -In both.
People smoke more,
the enemy is stronger now.
Why? Do you think I should
fight? -God, no!
Just like the last time:
You rolling in mud,
me pushing cigarettes.
One man falls, another fills
his pocket. -Way of the world!
You telling me I'm not
patriotic?- By no means.