Sure, you were with Tijana
we only had our hands.
And, last year. -What the fuck
happened last year?
A basketball tournament here.
The dudes from the city came.
Here, on our court?
We can play here even now, but
we can play "The Lost Brigade".
We beat the shit out of them
didn't we? -We sure did.
We were mean.
-You are a mean player.
Zuba, Come on!
And you're bragging 'cause
we've beat some suckers.
Remember those upstarts
in expensive gear?
They didn't know shit.
-We're naturals, man.
Cut the bullshit, you jerks!
Look at yourselves!
There's no Sutomore,
no Greece for us.
We can't go across the border.
All we can get here are alerts
and that shit falling on us.
That's what I said:
it's gonna suck bad.
Let's rebuild it?
The court.
Why, we get rid of the mess,
lift the basket.
And there's a new court!
-You're nuts, man.
That basket probably weighs
3 tons. Who will lift that?
It can be done in three days,
I promise!
You really are smart, man!
Rebuild the court!
Well, unless a bomb
razes us to the ground.
Or unless our anti-aircraft
take cover in here.
Or unless they decide to
send their troops 'cause
they have nothing
better to do,
or unless we starve to death,
or unless we get drafted.
Then perhaps we'll mend
that court some day.
I'm gonna get some sleep.
This war is fucking boring.