Sorry. I have things to do.
Oh, good morning.
There will be no tears today,
eh, sis? -Not today. I promise.
I can see it's a different
story. Love or something.
Love and war...
Hey, where are we going?
-Hey, wait for me!
How come your mom let you
out? -She can't play it cool.
Here it is.
This is it!
-You sure it's a basket?
It looks better than
the one we have.
A little rusty, but solid.
-As hard as my cock.
Let's try to lift it.
It's in one piece. -We'll die
hauling it to our court.
Come on, guys.
You can do it without me.
Where are you going? -I've got
a situation over there.
I'd like to have
that situation myself.
We won't forget this, Turca!
-Hey, Josie! Hold on!
I feel awful being here.
-A nice place for a walk.
Authentic Yugoslav ruins.
A must for tourists.
Come on, Josie. Come on,
let's take a walk.