Nebeska udica

Are you alive, Zuba?
-Fifty-fifty. It depends.

What's the matter? Are you OK?
-They razed their basket.

I was right,
they ain't gonna make it.

I though you didn't care.
-I don't.

Move you legs, son.
Leave it that way, ma.
I'll clean it up.

I gotta call Tijana first.
She isn't answering the phone.

Where were you?
I've just called.

Take it easy, please!
Calm down, Tijana!
-Just hold me, Kaja, please.

You never know
when to hold me!

I was trying to call
all night long.

I was worried about
you and Jovan.

Let me look at your hand.
I don't know what to do, Kaja.
Does it hurt?
What if he never speaks
again? -It has to sting a bit.

I'm staying here! We
should all stick together now.

Did they bomb near you?
-Worse than ever.

How's your mom?
-Shivering and trembling.

A neighbor's with her
while I'm here.

You gotta go, Tiki.
-I can't.
