some genuine and some...
not quite so genuine.
And what's great is that lots of friends
have ended up in this part of London.
That's Tony, for example,
architect turned chef,
who recently invested all the money
he ever earned in a new restaurant.
And so, this is where
I spend my days and years...
in this small village in the middle of
the city in a house with a blue door...
that my wife and I bought together
before she left me for a man...
who looked exactly like Harrison Ford.
And where I lead a strange half-life
with a lodger called--
You couldn't help me with an incredible
important decision, could you?
Is this important in comparison to,
let's say, whether they should cancel
Third World debt?
That's right. I am at last going out
on a date with the great Janine,
and I just wanna be sure
I've picked the right T-shirt.
- What are the choices?
- Well, wait for it.
First there's this one.
[ Growls ] Cool, huh?
Yeah, it might make it hard
to strike a really romantic note.
Point taken.
Don't despair.
If it's romance we're looking for,
I believe I have just the thing.
Yeah, well, there again, she might not
think you had true love on your mind.
Just one more.
True love here I come.
Well, yeah. Yeah, that's--
that's, um, perfect.
Great. Thanks.
- Wish me luck.
- Good luck.
[ Narrating ] And so it was
just another hopeless Wednesday,
as I walked the thousand yards
through the market to work,