I'll just be going, then.
it was nice to see you.
The thing is,
with you I'm in real... danger.
it seems like a... perfect situation,
apart from that
foul temper of yours, but...
my relatively inexperienced heart
would, I fear, not...
recover, uh, if I was...
once again cast aside,
as I would absolutely expect to be.
There are just too many pictures of you,
too many films.
You'd go and I'd be, uh,
well, buggered, basically.
That really is a real no, isn't it?
I live in Notting Hill.
You live in... Beverly Hills.
Everyone in the world
knows who you are.
My mother has trouble
remembering my name.
Fine. Good decision.
Good decision.
The fame thing isn't really real,
you know?
And don't forget I'm--
I'm also just a girl...
standing in front of a boy...
asking him to love her.
So what do you think?
Good move?