Right. Uh, Dominic, if you'd
like to ask your question again?
Yeah? Anna, how long are you
intending to stay here in Britain?
% She may be the face I can't forget %
% The trace of pleasure or regret %
% May be my treasure
or the price I have to pay %
- % She may be the song that %
- What happened?
- % Summer sings %
- it was good.
% May be the chill the autumn brings %
% May be a hundred different things %
% Within the measure of a day %
% She may be the beauty or the beast %
% May be the famine or the feast %
% May turn each day
into a heaven or a hell %
% She may be the mirror of my dream %
% The smile reflected in a stream %
% She may not be what she may seems %
% inside her shell %
[ Crowd Cheering, Shouting ]