You don't know
what the mine gives me.
You don't know
'cause you're still a boy.
But, by golly,
you're gonna find out soon enough.
[ Thunder Continues ]
[ Scoffs ]
I'm never goin' down there.
[ Fork Clatters ]
You better have a talk
with your son, Elsie,
'cause he's out of control.
- Where's my rocket stuff?
- Right where they belong.
[ Gunshot ]
- Quentin, you know,
that rocket went up at least 100 feet.
- [ Gunshots Continue ]
More like 200.
- [ Gunshot ]
- God--
- Man, will you cut it out, Roy Lee?
- Die, you son of a bitch.
- Come on. My turn now.
- Hey, man. What's with you?
Man, we should be tryin'
to get in that science fair...
instead of sittin' around here
like a bunch of hillbillies.
I got some really bad news for you,
Homer. We are a bunch of hillbillies.
Besides, um, didn't your dad
say no more rockets?
No. He said no more rockets
on company property.
Do you realize how far we'd have to go
to get off company property?
Yeah. We have
to go to Snakeroot.
That's eight miles.
It's not that far.
I mean, we could walk if we have to.
Oh, walk. That's a fantastic idea.
[ Laughing ]