October Sky

All right, quick.
Get rid of it.

[ All Screaming ]
[ Chattering ]
[ Radio ]
Only you

[ Continues, Indistinct ]
Mr.Bolden, have you seen
Mr.Bykovsky around?

He's not in the shop anymore.
Your dad sent him down
to the mine.

For only you
He's takin' it out on you
because you helped me.

That's enough of that.
Your father is a fair man.

If he's strict,
it's because he has to be.

Besides, he did me a big favor,
transferring me from the machine shop.

What are you talkin' about?
I can make twice as much money
down there working the high coal.

You can?
I've got relatives in Europe who've
had hard time recovering from the war.

They depend on me
for whatever I can provide.

So, believe me,
I can use the extra money.

I'm just sorry I won't be able to weld
any more rockets for you.

That's for good luck.
May-Maybe you could teach me
how to weld.

- Welding is very difficult, Homer.
- I could learn.

You don't give up,
do you?

I can't.
[ Buzzer Buzzing ]
- Come on, son.
- [ Homer ] Hi, Mr.Bolden.
