October Sky

Miss Riley,
this does not concern you.

You have these boys
in handcuffs.

You have these boys in handcuffs
in a high school, Mr.Turner.

You probably heard about the forest fire
last week over by Welch.

- A lot of timber went up.
- Mr.Turner, you take
these handcuffs off these boys.

They found a rocket
on the side of the road.

We knew it started the fire, ma'am. What
we didn't know is where it came from,

till this morning.
Mr.Hickam, can you account
for all your rockets?

No, sir. I can't.
[ Chattering ]
If you weren't a minor, you'd
be in the state penitentiary.

- I know, Dad. I--
- Homer, I've been confused by you,

I've been mad as hell at you.
But, boy, it's the first time
in your life I've been ashamed of you.

[ Roy Lee Grunting, Yelling ]
- [ Grunting Continues ]
- You couldn't stop, man. You couldn't!

- Get in the car, Homer!
- [ Yelling Continues ]

Homer, get in the car.
[ Man Grunting ]
Idiot! I ought to goddamn kill ya.

[ Grunts ]
We ain't at the mine now.
This ain't your business.

You get in the car
with Homer, son.

You listen to me,
you drunken son of a bitch.

If that boy's father was alive,
he'd kick your ass.

So I'm gonna
have to do it for him.

If I see him with a bruise,
you get a scar.

If I see him with a limp,
you get crutches!

[ John ]
You hear me? Do you hear me?

You know,
I'm reportin' you to the union!

Screw you
and your damn union.
