The satellite which the Russians
have dubbed Sputnik...
is being hailed
as a milestone in history.
No one in our nation's capital
could deny that the satellite...
has ushered in a grim
new chapter in the Cold War.
And indeed,
a wave of national anxiety...
already seems
to be sweeping the country.
Still maintaining its speed
of 18,000 miles an hour...
completing an orbit of the Earth
every 96 minutes.
Dr. Wernher von Braun...
Chief Engineer of the Army
Ballistic Missile Agency...
expressed the hope
that the United States...
would soon be following
the Russians into space...
with our own
artificial satellite.
Dr. von Braun confirmed
that there has still been...
no actual sighting
of the Soviet satellite...
but the U.S. expects
to be tracking it very soon.
We are told that Sputnik will be
visible to the naked eye...
about an hour after sunset
and an hour before dawn...
as it traverses the October sky
over the United States.
What the beeping signal means
we still don't know.
Itmay be nothing more--
Let's go, Roy Lee.
It's almost 9:00.
Sure are in a hurry
to get yourself killed.
No kiddin'. There are easier
ways to commit suicide, Homer.
Will you just step on it,
Roy Lee?
I am steppin' on it.