[Sets car alarm]
Mmm. No, no.
NINA: Just a moment.
Corporate accounts payable.
Nina speaking.
Just a moment.
Corporate accounts payable.
Nina speaking.
Just a moment.
Corporate accounts payable.
Nina speaking.
Just a moment.
Corporate accounts payable.
Nina speaking.
Just a moment.
Corporate accounts payable.
Nina speaking.
Hello, Peter. What's happening?
Ahh...we have
sort of a problem here.
You apparently didn't put...
one of the new cover sheets
on your T.P.S. reports.
Oh, yeah. I'm sorry about that.
I--I forgot.
BILL: Mmm...yeah.
You see, we're putting
the cover sheets...
on all T.P.S. reports now
before they go out.
Did you see the memo
about this?
Yeah. Yeah,
I have the memo right here.
I just, uh, forgot...
but, uh, it's not shipping out
till tomorrow...
so there's no problem.
BILL: Yeah.
If you could just go ahead
and make sure...
you do that from now on,
that would be great...
and, uh, I'll go ahead
and make sure...