I could set the building
on fire.
What the hell's going on, man?
I thought you'd come in here
and start shooting.
No. I just came to get
my address book.
I'm not gonna stay.
I got a phone number,
Mike, that I don't wanna lose.
Peter, you're in deep shit.
You were supposed to come in
Saturday. What were you doing?
PETER: Michael, I did nothing.
I did absolutely nothing...
and it was everything
that I thought it could be.
MICHAEL: I hope you have
a better story for Lumbergh.
You're supposed to be at your
interview with the consultants.
PETER: The who?
MICHAEL: The consultants.
What has gotten into you?
PETER: Oh, yeah...right.
MICHAEL: Wait, Peter.
You gotta postpone it, man.
Tell 'em you've been sick.
Make something up.
Oh, no way. No, I feel great.
It's the best day of my life.
SLYDELL: Next batter
looks like a Peter Gibbons.
PORTER: Uh-huh.
SLYDELL: Ah, there you are.
We were just talking about you.
You must be Peter Gibbons.
Uh-huh. Terrific.
I'm Bob Slydell. This is
my associate Bob Porter.
PETER: Oh, hi, Bob. Bob.
SLYDELL: Grab a seat
and join us for a minute or two.
You see, what we're
actually trying to do here...
is we're just,
we're trying to get a feel...
for how people spend their day
at work.
So if you would...
would you walk us through
a typical day for you?
PETER: Well, I generally come in
at least fifteen minutes late.
Uh, I use the side door.
That way Lumbergh can't see me.
And after that, I just sort of
space out for about an hour.
PORTER: Uh, "space out"?
PETER: Yeah.
I just stare at my desk.
But it looks like I'm working.
I do that for probably
another hour after lunch, too.
I'd say in a given week...
I probably only do
about fifteen minutes...
of real, actual work.
would you be a good sport...