PORTER: You've been missing
a lot of work lately.
PETER: I wouldn't say
I've been missing it, Bob.
PORTER: Good one.
Oh, that's terrific, Peter.
I'm sure you've--you've heard
some of the rumors...
around the hallways...
about how we're going to do
a little "housecleaning..."
with some software people.
Well, Bob, I have heard that.
You gotta do what you gotta do.
PORTER: We'll be getting rid
of these people.
First, Mr. Samir Naga...
SLYDELL: Naga...
PORTER: Naga-gonna work here
anymore, anyway.
And Mr. Mike Bolton.
Nobody's gonna miss him.
You're gonna layoff
Samir and Michael?
PORTER: Yeah. We're gonna bring
in some entry-level graduates.
Farm some work out to Singapore,
that's the usual deal.
SLYDELL: It's standard
operating procedure.
PETER: Do they know this yet?
SLYDELL: No. No, of course not.
We find it's always better
to fire people on a Friday.
Studies have
statistically shown...
there's less chance
of an incident...
if you do it at the end
of the week.
Peter, what we'd like to do
is put you into position...
to have as many
as four people...
working right underneath you.
This is a big promotion, Pete.
So you're going
to fire Michael and Samir...
and give me more money?
SLYDELL: Uh-huh.
MICHAEL: Hmm. Yeah.
That's it.
That's exactly what I need.
Give it to me.
Come on, you little fucker,
let's go.
That's what I need.
Let's do that.
Let's do exactly that,
you little fuck--
PETER: Listen to me.
What are you doing tonight?
PETER: Michael, there comes
a point in a man's life...
and maybe that time for you
is now...
when it doesn't hurt to start
thinking about the future.
Uh, no offense there, Peter...
but speak for yourself there,
I'm not the one who's been
flakin' out at work.