filling out useless forms...
and listening
to eight different bosses...
drone on
about mission statements.
I told those fudgepackers
I liked Michael Bolton's music.
Ohh. That is not right, Michael.
For five years now,
you've worked your ass off...
hoping for a promotion,
profit sharing, or something.
Five years...
of your mid-twenties now gone.
And you're gonna
go in tomorrow...
they're gonna throw you
out on the street.
You know why?
So Bill Lumbergh's stock
will go up a quarter of a point.
Michael, let's make
that stock go down...
and let's take enough money
out of that place...
so that we never have
to sit in a cubicle ever again.
Your software works, right?
Of course it works.
That's not the point.
Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't
know how to install it.
I don't know the credit union's
software well enough. OK?
Yeah. But Samir does.
But that's not much money.
PETER: That's the beauty of it.
Each withdrawal, it's a fraction
of a cent, too small to notice.
But you take a few thousand
withdrawals a day...
you space it out
over a couple of years...
that's a few
hundred thousand dollars.
It's like "Superman Ill."
SAMIR: "Superman Ill"?
I have to leave now.
I have to get my résumé ready.
PETER: For another job where
they can fire you for no reason?
That's right. If I'm lucky.
I'm tired of being
pushed around. Aren't you?
Yes, but I'm not going to do
anything illegal.
Samir, this is America.
Come on. Sit down.
Come on. This isn't Riyadh.
They're not going
to saw your hands off here.
The worst they'd do is put you
for a couple of months...
into a white-collar,
minimum-security resort.
Shit, we should be so lucky.
They have conjugal visits there.
I'm a free man. I haven't had
a conjugal visit in six months.
So what do you think?