Open Your Eyes

Look, this is something for you.
-Yeah, whatever...

What have you eaten today?
-Nothing. That's exactly the problem.

Ask them what they want a man to
be like...

...and they'll say: Intelligent,
faithful and friendly.

Nonsense! You would be in trouble
if you looked like me.

Here we go again. You're not
ugly you are perfectly normal.

Oh, normal.
-You're handsome.

Acceptable, as long as you're
not with me.

You're like an anorexic
yelling he's too fat.

Only when you get a new girlfriend
we will have a chance again.

Why not?
The girl of your dreams?

There is no such thing.
Dammit. How could I have missed
that one?

God's punishing you for your big mouth.
-Oh I'll get you.

Who are you talking to?
-To God.

Do you believe in God?
-Oh stop it already.

It was just a question.
You don't have to answer.

I don't believe in God OK.
Then how do you explain what just happened?
-What happened to your face.

There is no explanation for that.
-I think there is.

You believe I am insane.
-I only believe in what I see.

You won't even show me your face.
-And I will not either.

Do you really think you're a monster Cesar?
Come on, show me.

You can put that hand up your arse.
-I'm fed up with you and your attitude.

Leave me alone.
-I'll beat that nonsense out of you.

I can't work when you're around.
Please leave.

You're a spoilt little kid whose parents...
-They're dead you asshole.
