Everything's cooI.
Just not enough! AII right?
Never is, VaI.
Baby, just put the money
in the car, wiII you?
I can't fucking beIieve it.
You know what, Porter?
This is funny.
This wiII kiII you.
It's aIways 1 40.
Someone ought to give me a Ph.D.
Jesus! Wait tiII I'm out
of the fucking way!
Everything's cooI, baby.
You were great.
Everything's cooI. Give me--
Okay, keep the gun.
That's it. Everything's cooI.
It's just Iike we pIanned.
Come on.
Don't faII apart on me now.
There we go.
I bet you got a Iot of questions
rattIing in your head.
Lynn did not understand.
I don't know.
Wives get funny
when it comes to girIfriends.