What'd you teII him?
-What couId I teII?
-You teII him about the heroin?
He had it with him!
I toId him I deIivered it.
Nothing eIse?
I don't know nothing eIse!
You gave him something. A name.
Someone who knows where to find me.
I swear on my mother--
Fuck your mother!
-That's not nice. Take it easy.
-What are you Iooking at?
VaI, don't.
Not again. Don't do that, man.
Come on. Not again.
-Forget it.
-Is there some troubIe here?
We're just Ieaving.
You know what?
This one's on me.
You see me reaching for my waIIet?
Sorry. He just got a promotion,
so he's a IittIe tense.
Is there a MichaeI here?
That's him over yonder.
You're the man to see
about horizontaI refreshment?
I'm Iooking for a girI named Rosie.
Prostitution is iIIegaI
and you're speaking Greek.
UsuaIIy these matters are conducted
with more discretion.
Be discreet now.
What was her name?
-Who's Iooking for her?
-Just caII her.
Give me the phone.
Take care of that.