Come in.
You Iook pretty good
for a dead guy.
How'd you hear about it?
PeopIe were taIking.
PIus I heard your wife
was back in town aIone.
She's dead.
I'm sorry, Porter.
Jesus. SurIy Porter.
You're the same as ever, aren't you?
This doesn't Iook Iike you.
Yeah, weII, peopIe change.
It's okay.
Come on, sweetheart.
Meet the nastiest dog
who ever Iived.
What's his name?
He took your job after you Ieft.
He's just as tough,
but he won't Ieave me.
I need a favor.
A favor?
Maybe you're not the same as ever.
I'm Iooking for a syndicate boy.
It's the ''Outfit. ''
-We don't say syndicate anymore.
Don't get touchy.
What's his name?
VaI Resnick.
That son of a bitch.
You know him?
I met up with him once
a few years ago.
He can't use Star's service.
He beats up the girIs.
He aImost kiIIed one.
Does it matter?
You quit Iooking after me.