- Michelle.
- Yeah?
Michelle, walk...
Yes, walk towards lens slowly.
Like this?
Okay. Right. Right.
I always wondered what it
must have been like for Steve.
I mean, ever since we were kids,
everything he ever did...
...was somewhere between a religious
experience and some sort of crusade.
Like with this commercial.
It was practically a legend
from the time Ridley Scott filmed it.
Like the book, 1984,
with all the downtrodden masses...
... and that one huge spark
of rebellion...
... against the evil Big Brother
who ran everything.
Go, go, go.
Smoke it up, please.
And you three.
That's right, you'll come with me.
The rest of you stay in the back.
- is a more powerful weapon
than any fleet or army on Earth.
We are one people with one will.
One resolve. One cause.
Our enemies shall talk
themselves to death...
... and we will bury them
with their own confusion.
We shall prevail.
And then 13 years later...
... Steve has to stand up
on that stage in Boston.
Man, that was...
That was weird.
The era...
...of competition between us is over.