Man, 50! We sold 50.
IBM is gonna be
loading in their pants.
I don't even think
IBM knows who we are.
Good. This is guerrilla warfare.
- They're the enemy.
- They are?
I used to think maybe Steve was
born obsessed with wiping out IBM.
And in a way, you could see why.
I mean, in those days,
as far as we were concerned...
...IBM was practically
like the Pentagon.
Here were a bunch of guys
who dressed exactly the same...
... and sang company songs.
I mean, we were
these scruffy crazies...
... messing around with computer stuff
the IBM guys thought was, like, toys.
But what did they know?
- Where's your VW?
- Sold it.
1350 bucks. We're on our way.
- Steve.
- What?
- What's the problem?
- I don't know if I can build these.
Hey, Woz, I assume we're speaking
the same language, right?
Dan, Elizabeth,
I'm not speaking Swahili, am I?
I'm here to inform you
our universe is unfolding...
But I still don't think
I can build them.
I work for Hewlett-Packard sometimes.
- Yeah, and?
- My dad pointed it out...
...they get first chance
in anything I invent.
- What?
- I can't help it.
It's on the paper I signed.
Damn it, Woz!
We get our shot, our destiny...
...and now we gotta turn it
all over to these businessmen?
Steve. It is Steve, isn't it?