Pirates of Silicon Valley

Yeah, maybe.
For the first time in my life, people are
coming to me, instead of me going to them.

Man, this is insanely great.
I'm telling you, it was a weird time.
People were going nuts over the Apple II.
I couldn't keep up with anything.

The company was expanding so fast I
didn't know who half the new people were.

And Steve had a lot of people,
you know, older people...

... start pay attention to him,
which was amazing.

And me too, sort of.
People even knew who I was.

- Hi.
- Should have been fun...

... but with all the good stuff,
bad stuff came too.

- Steve.
- What?

Oh, jeez. Not again.
What? What? What?
What are you...? What are you talking about,
it's not your child?

How do I even know if this baby's mine?
- You know. Damn you, you know.
- How do I know that?

Steve, I'm two months pregnant.
Who else have I been with?

Look, go do whatever it is you wanna do.
You wanna play mommy? Fine.

- But the kid's not mine.
- It is. It is.

You bastard!
What did they say?
Hey, Steve. Take a look at this.
Carl's got that parity on that BASIC...
You guys are not being paid
to be a bunch of clowns!

Or maybe you are.
Maybe that's the problem around here.

You guys are supposed
to be writing programs.
