I got some full barf bags here.
Full barf bags. Heads up.
- He's sick.
- Bald guy with barf bags.
Coming through. Full ones too.
How you doing?
Come on.
- My tie. I forgot my tie.
- Great, Bill. We're already late.
Hey, how you doing?
Ten bucks for your tie. Okay, 20.
Thirty. Come on, come on.
Thirty. Thirty bucks for that tie.
Where did you get that, Sears? Come on.
Help us out here. Would you? Please?
You see, by that time,
Bill had already figured out...
... that we gotta go right into the belly of the
beast. The scariest beast of them all, IBM.
IBM. And back then, man, they were like
Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan...
... and Vlad the Impaler all rolled into one.
But what we were gonna do was,
we were gonna make them love us.
Gentlemen, how are you? Nice tie.
- Thanks.
- We're over here.
Our shirts are as white as theirs.
We think we have what you need.
That's a start.
Now, we know that IBM has set up
this place to compete head-on with Apple...
...and you're gearing up to come out with a
personal computer that will wipe them out.
So we can get you an operating system.
What kind of operating system?
It's called...
This is amazing.
Not just amazing, it's historic.