- Here you go.
- Thanks.
So basically, you're saying
you wanna buy my operating system.
You know, I don't know. We just think we
might be able to mess with it and resell it.
Who to?
We have a few customers, you know,
we're sort of talking to.
Some of them don't want it known
what we're doing.
So they made us sign
a secrecy agreement.
- And you're offering us...?
- Fifty thousand.
- Dollars?
- Dollars.
You worried?
Oh, no. Only my whole life hangs
in the balance. Me, worried? No.
We got IBM.
IBM. I mean, come to think of it...
...why would IBM wanna make a deal
with a bunch of bozos like us?
Because they're successful, Ballmer.
Success is a menace. It fools smart people
into thinking they can't lose.
So, you mute moron?
Can you hear it? The sound of money?